Friday, May 05, 2006

III .Book Presentation:

The book takes me one week to read it.
The book is an autobiography about Richard Branson’s life and his business.
The story is sat in Great Britain, U.S, and other countries.
The period in this story is varied. It takes place within the whole year.
At the end of the story Richard had sold the Virgin Music, and won the challenge between the British Airways, and he continues his business in Virgin Atlantic.
When I finished the book, I felt that what Richard Branson did in his life was extremely extraordinary, and not any one can do what Richard did.
My favourite character was Richard Branson. He is an ambitious person, and he doesn’t give up easily in his work.
The most interesting thing about the book is how Richard started his business when he was a child, and how he succeeded in his life.
I have learned many things from this book. First, about the language, structure, and vocabulary. Second, about personal life. How can a person succeed in his business and face his problems.
When I read the book, I was thinking about how this story can be real and true.
I don’t have the idea about changing any thing in this book. Because all what includes is important and helpful.


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