Sunday, April 29, 2007

photo view

i will try to post my picture in order to let the other share not only the writing but also the picture of whose writing.

After Graduation

After a year that i did not write in my blog i come back to discover many things were question to change. Once i sign in with the usual username, a message appears to guide me into a new option sets by the management team of blogspot perhaps with the cooperation of Google since i see its logo every where on the screen. yes, it is the change that manage our lives, the change that imposes itself without even telling us or let us know before. This change is just an example of many other changes around us but we do not care untill we fall on the trap and then we react toward those changes but the question i am asking myself: is it still the time to absorb the pain and then follow the change. My answer is yes, time is here for us, we should know how to use it. I am writing this opening after graduating, from IIHEM ( the International Istitute for Higher Education in Morocco) with bachelor degree in Mangement/Finance, in January 2007 and today is 29 April 2007 this equals to 3 months doing nothing just looking for a job with any salary that comes. No choice is left just working and nothing than working. Although the structure or the process to get a job in Morocco is so weak but you should challenge to survive with the whole pressure at the first beginning of my mother&father but now i have the burden on my shoulder i have the feeling that i should do some thing for me first then my parents then my country since i love this country which Morocco. I'm now knocking on the doors and windows of every things. The chance and luck are there some where i should have the responsibility and the strength to cope with the new life yes it is a new life with new data and new caracteristics. Mooving from student life to a professional life is a transition but the question here is How should i make this transition as smooth as possible to not make any harm. This question is now to subject to analysis then to interpretation then to reaction and finally to adjustment.
