Monday, February 27, 2006

Experience of reading

Experience of reading

Nowadays, more and more people begin to read stories, novels, newspapers, and books. The necessity to adapt ourselves to the changes makes it easy to accept reading as an opportunity to follow the changes. More we experience to reading more we develop certain skills that help understanding the truth. In many cases, learners begin by reading at school like the majority does. However, skills of reading can be learning at home from the parents like my own experience which was very interesting in term of learning how to read.

Once I begin to learn how to read, I become curious of knowing almost everything since the ability of reading gives me large imagination about how to think, how to ask questions, and how to write correctly. For instance, when I had eight years I just took an Arabic story and began to read it myself and understanding what is behind this writing taking under consideration my critical mind as the direction of my reading. Repeating such action leads me to love reading as much as I can.

Another situation that helps me to read a lot is the school. When I was studying at the high school, I was influenced by reading philosophy which offer me a value added to my personality by expressing myself in front of the others by analyzing each theory and give my opinion back.

The last experience with the act of reading is the real life. In other words, languages count a lot in term of discovering new cultures. For instance, I was in Canada for studying there in Laval university and I was not comfortable for the first time because there are many languages spoken there like Quebecois, English, and Spanish which put much pressure on me to learn how to speak by learning languages through reading books.

To conclude, reading is crucial for our lives because it offers many opportunities to discover the others mind, culture, and habits.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the first meeting

tuesday 21 st , february,2006
it's 12 o'clock i just finished the english 201 , this course deals with advanced reading and writing. i have good intention to work hard in chaa alah to earn my bachelor then to continue my studies .